Herbs And Oils For Gum Healing and Health

Nature is a gift to us. Look all around; the beauty it provides for our eyes is a daily hug! The birds sing us a beautiful symphony each morning. The flowers in the spring stretch themselves out to display every intricate detail of each petal. The insects take full advantage of the delectable flavors that…

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Yummy Gummies

Go ahead. Run your tongue across the front of your teeth and gums. What sensation are you experiencing? Does it tickle at all? If you just brushed and flossed, you’re probably getting a nice smooth and fresh taste on your tongue. If you just ate a burger, your tongue-running-along-your-gums experience, might be a bit disturbing…

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Happy Healthy Mouth = Happy Healthy Heart

When considering your dental health, it’s important to remember that it is linked to all parts of your physical and emotional well-being. When you link your dental health and the way it affects your emotional and physical well-being, you are considering yourself as a whole person. Identifying the links between these two are important, you…

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The 5 W’s of Invisalign

If your reflection smiling back at you in the mirror is disheartening due to teeth dissatisfaction, it is time to consider Invisalign! Let’s explore Invisalign using the old school method of discovery – asking yourself the 5 W’s. Remember doing this back in elementary school? The 5 W’s – Who, What Where, When and Why?…

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