Loving Those Little Pearly Whites!

February is known as the month dedicated to the heart; it is about love of all types, and it is also American Heart Month; but did you know it is also about teeth? Children’s teeth to be exact. February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. It began February 8, 1949, as the American Dental Association’s…

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Make the Most of Your 2023 Dental Plan

Every new year brings a fresh opportunity for a new start on multiple fronts. People make plans for their health and well-being. January is the month when millions of Americans start new diets, begin new exercise routines, make plans to be more productive and stop procrastinating and a host of other undertakings. While you are…

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Nature’s Gifts for Healthy Holiday Eats and Treats

December is the happiest time of year for our tastebuds! During the holiday season, the days abound with trays and plates of delectable confections of all types, some of which are only served up annually. Fortunately, you can create delicious holiday eats and treats that are healthy, wholesome and perfect for this time of year.…

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Stop Teeth Grinding and Sleep Well Again

If you grind your teeth throughout the night without notice, you could be applying substantial pressure, as much as 250 pounds of force, leading to long-term problems with the temporomandibular joint. Treatment may not be able to eliminate teeth grinding, but it can reduce its impact and frequency, as well as alleviate associated symptoms. We…

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Please Pass Me The Salmon!

Eat more salmon because: It helps reduce your risk of cancer. It helps improve your cardiovascular health. It helps improve your cognition. It protects your bones and joints. It gives you healthier skin. It improves your vision. It improves your metabolism. It is known to calm children with ADHD. It is rich in omega-3 fatty…

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Dental Sealants To The Rescue!

If you were falling into a pit, wouldn’t you want something (like a safety net) to catch you? Anyone who has the opportunity to prevent harm would take it, wouldn’t you? Dental sealants provide you with one way to prevent harm that can enter into you or your child’s teeth. What are dental sealants? Dental…

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Sauna & Steam Skin Therapy

Do you recall that we discussed a different ancient skin therapy in a recent post? Just like mud skin therapy, the use of heat and water has been used for centuries to enhance, heal and beautify skin. Saunas are used for this type of therapy. A sauna is a small room or building that is…

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Bless Your Sol

“The most beautiful thing under the sun is being under the sun.” – Christa Wolf Sun is the best medicine, and here are 10 reasons why. Vitamin D – While you can get vitamin D from foods such as oily fish, red meat, cereals, milk and mushrooms, the best and easiest way to get your…

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