Get a Straight Smile Faster with Accelerated Orthodontics

Straight, aligned teeth are ideal for aesthetics and keeping your smile healthy. When your bite or teeth are misaligned, it can make it more difficult to keep teeth clean, leading to other issues such as TMJ disorders, and impacting your smile’s appearance. Orthodontic treatment can fix a crooked smile, but it can often take up…

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When a Regular Teeth Cleaning Isn’t Enough

When the gums are healthy, you’re eligible for a regular teeth cleaning, also known as prophylaxis or prophy. A prophy is cleaning above the gumline removing hardened plaque and stains that have accumulated over the past 6 months between visits. But when your gums are not healthy, there’s a lot more going on than just…

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Gum Health Linked to Heart Health

Every year, heart disease takes the lives of one in four individuals, making it the primary cause of death in the United States according to the CDC. While researchers continue to focus on the impact of high blood pressure and high cholesterol in heart attacks and strokes, they are now paying close attention to another…

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How Teeth Whitening Can Give Your Smile a Summer Sparkle

As the sun shines and summer brings smiles to everyone’s faces, there’s something truly captivating about a dazzling, white smile that adds an extra sparkle to the season. Your pearly whites deserve to be just that: pearly white, radiating confidence and capturing attention. With more teeth whitening options available than ever, it’s vital to ensure…

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Start Getting Your Summer Smile in Shape Now

It won’t be long before summer comes with all its glorious perks. Vacations, summer soirees, long walks in the park and general fun and pleasantries. Now that life is somewhat beginning to get back to pre-pandemic normality, people are beginning to venture out and start enjoying their favorite activities again. One of those is getting…

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Why Grinding Your Teeth Can Be a Serious Pain in the Neck

Have you ever been told that you grind your teeth in your sleep? For many people, bruxism (the technical name for grinding your teeth) only happens while they’re sleeping. This means they may not even be aware of their condition until someone else observes it, or until complications arise. For example, a sleep partner may…

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Holistic Dentistry in an Emergency

Are you concerned about an urgent dental problem? Most people try to arrange appointments around personal life and work schedules. If you are juggling your time, a slight toothache may not constitute an emergency. However, failing to take care of your teeth and gums could have greater health implications. Oral health issues will worsen over…

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Loving Those Little Pearly Whites!

February is known as the month dedicated to the heart; it is about love of all types, and it is also American Heart Month; but did you know it is also about teeth? Children’s teeth to be exact. February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. It began February 8, 1949, as the American Dental Association’s…

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Make the Most of Your 2023 Dental Plan

Every new year brings a fresh opportunity for a new start on multiple fronts. People make plans for their health and well-being. January is the month when millions of Americans start new diets, begin new exercise routines, make plans to be more productive and stop procrastinating and a host of other undertakings. While you are…

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Nature’s Gifts for Healthy Holiday Eats and Treats

December is the happiest time of year for our tastebuds! During the holiday season, the days abound with trays and plates of delectable confections of all types, some of which are only served up annually. Fortunately, you can create delicious holiday eats and treats that are healthy, wholesome and perfect for this time of year.…

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